A year of creative exploration: Part 3 exploring embroidery
If you’ve been following this mini series of my year of creative exploration, Part 1 and Part 2 describe my exploration into surface pattern design and the inspiration that came of that to create an artwork on wood. Although possibly not obvious at first, a natural development was to occur leading me into the world of embroidery. It happened quite subtly at first, but it has since developed into a passion. How it began When my mum passed 11 years ago she left me a few unfinished embroideries that she had been working on. One of my favorites was a Greek traditional folk style design from the island of Skyros…
I designed patterns inspired by letters of the Greek alphabet and cured my creative block
Happily I completed my personal project to design patterns based on the capital Greek letters!
My love of the Greek language
As a child I loved learning other languages. But whilst I was brought up bilingual I never actually had a single proper lesson or any kind of instruction in Greek whatsoever.
The 100 day project and a return to blogging.
This was going to be my first blog post of 2021. But my previous post took precedence because when I was introduced to Baya Mahedienne’s artwork I was too excited not to write about it immediately! 😊