Innovative Tile Designs for Your Space
The other day I was looking for some inspiration and ideas so I was browsing my Pinterest feed, as one does, and I stumbled upon this photo of a space spectacularly decorated with these colourful tiles. I searched for quite a while, almost giving up, before finally discovering the owner: Pallavi Sen, who is an interdisciplinary creative from Bombay. Looking…
A valuable lesson while upscaling my wooden candle stand
I’ve had this wooden candle stand sitting in the corner of my living/dining room, like forever. Almost discarded, I would say. Probably because I didn’t much like it. The carving is pretty but the colour didn’t do it for me…. So I made a mental note, admittedly quite a long time ago, that one day I would do something about…
Unique interior design elements inspired by wall art
As both an interior designer and artist I am often drawn to interiors featuring artwork and find myself asking, what came first in each instance, the egg or the chicken? In other words, is the interior inspired by the art or the art inspired by the interior?
A year of creative exploration: Part 3 exploring embroidery
If you’ve been following this mini series of my year of creative exploration, Part 1 and Part 2 describe my exploration into surface pattern design and the inspiration that came of that to create an artwork on wood. Although possibly not obvious at first, a natural development was to occur leading me into the world of embroidery. It happened quite…
A year of creative exploration: Part 2 from design to finished artwork
It’s always a surprise when I feel inspired to create another artwork on wood etched with the pyrograph. Why? Well because every time I finish a piece I am sure it is my last because the process usually ends up being intensely involved, long and at times arduous. Even though I say to myself I will create a more minimalistic…
A year of creative exploration: Part 1 Exploring Pattern Design
It’s been a good minute since I last created a blog post or even a newsletter. In the back of my mind there’s the niggling (and self-sabotaging) thought that no one really cares what I might have to say or show in the way of my artwork. But there might be that one person who, like me, enjoys reading about…
Athena’s Owl, a commissioned artwork
Athena’s Owl was a commissioned artwork for an Airbnb located in the centre of Athens. I was thrilled to receive this commission and amazed at the synchronicity of its subject matter as I had recently been sketching and exploring the idea of creating an artwork with an owl!
A print fail and what I learnt and gained from it
A while back I ordered a couple of prints of my Golden Pelican artwork but I have to say that for the first time ever I was pretty disappointed with the outcome. The colours were duller and darker than the original. Probably a combination of my photo editing (should have made sure that it was brighter) and the paper which…
Golden Pelican mixed media on wood artwork
I had been wanting to start painting more birds in my artwork, and my brother, George S Blonsky, who is an extremely talented professional wildlife photographer, and whose work I love, nudged me to paint one of the birds he’s most known for photographing in a place called Lake Kerkini in northern Greece, namely the Dalmatian Pelicans. I have also…
Summer Cocktail and what inspired my return to relief artwork on wood
This bold, bright and colourful artwork marks a return to my creating mixed media relief artwork on wood. Following a break of about two years, during which I researched and explored other techniques and a variety of painting skills and media I was -quite unexpectedly- inspired by some ceramic sculptural plant pots.
Process Video: Creating Fuscia Twins mixed media relief artwork
While updating my portfolio recently I realised I never posted this process video of the making of Fuscia Twins.
My first pattern design samples on fabric from Spoonflower
I just received my first fabric samples from Spoonflower and I couldn’t be happier with the results and quality of printing!