Kalimera! Good morning from Greece!

About me

I am a designer and artist specialising in bold, expressive surface patterns and interior-inspired artwork. My work is deeply influenced by my love of travel, color, and storytelling through design. I offer pattern licensing, custom designs, and interior colour and art consultations to bring vibrant creativity into your space.

My background

I live in Greece, working from my studio in the southern, sun and sea-kissed suburbs of Athens. Over the years my creative curiosity has guided me into the endless and fascinating worlds of fashion and interior design, surface patterns, art, ceramics, embroidery and photography; in a word, the visual and tactile arts. I’m fascinated by how interiors transform when given the right creative touch. What I love most is when interiors reflect their owners’ personalities and stories.

My love of interiors and design is the steady thread running through everything I’ve explored. Pattern and surface design seems to be where I am always returning and naturally gravitating towards. It is the center that informs all other creative expressions.

How does my story relate to you?

It is said that one’s past informs one’s present and may predict one’s future, but I also believe that in providing some personal background it can also inform you as to how I can help YOU.

A brief history and where it all began

I was born in London to my Greek mum and Greek/Russian dad but moved to Greece when I was four. Returning to the UK for my higher education, my creative path began at the London College of Fashion where I studied industrial fashion design and production. Following this I worked for a year in the Piccadilly store of Aquascutum, but the promise of a job back in Athens that fell through had me looking for a summer job before returning to the UK. The job that quite unexpectedly turned up for me was on board the cruise ship Atlas, where I spent 10 weeks working in the duty free shop while sailing the Mediterranean! This turn of fate would mark the beginning of a new phase of my life working on luxury cruise ships for the next eight years -and where I also met my husband!

Traveling around the world

The next eight years I went from Duty Free Shop Manager to training as a croupier and then manager for Casinos Austria. This was an exciting and interesting phase of my life where I got the opportunity to travel to amazing destinations such as Alaska, all around South America, all along the St Lawrence River in Canada, all over the Mediterranean and to Russia via the Black Sea. I didn’t fully realise it at the time, but traveling to so many places and exposing myself to such richly diverse cultures, my design aesthetic was being informed and enriched preparing me for my creative journey ahead.

Planning for the future

I was, however, aware that I wouldn’t always be working on cruise ships as I also wanted to have a family, so I took advantage of this time and enrolled in a long-distance interior design course with the Sheffield School of Interior Design in New York (now the New York Institute of Art and Design). Remember that at this time we didn’t have internet! So the school would very kindly forward my lessons to wherever I was traveling!

I loved this course, and naturally my assignments were influenced by the places I was traveling to at the time. So began my love of all things pertaining to interior design and decoration. Then after I gave birth to my daughter and stopped working on cruise ships, I was able to work as a freelance interior designer. It wasn’t long before my love of bold, bright patterns and spaces soon led me down the path of designing my own surface patterns which I applied to hand knotted rugs, hand made cement tiles, textiles, wood and more!

Expanding my creative expression

While working as a freelance interior designer I also attended local painting and ceramics workshops. Then in 2014 I was asked to participate in a group art exhibition in Athens exhibiting my tactile artworks on wood, which I create using a technique that has become pretty much my signature trademark.

About my artwork

In my artwork I like to paint what brings me joy. My art is very much informed by my education and practice in interior design; to me a room full of colour is a room full of joy! Colour harmony and balance play an integral role in my creative joy and expression. Bold colors and whimsical design elements feature a lot in my art.

If any of my services resonate with you, feel free to reach out via the contact form below. I am always happy to answer your queries.