• artwork,  available artwork

    A year of creative exploration: Part 2 from design to finished artwork

    Playful Lobsters artwork featured image

    It’s always a surprise when I feel inspired to create another artwork on wood etched with the pyrograph. Why? Well because every time I finish a piece I am sure it is my last because the process usually ends up being intensely involved, long and at times arduous. Even though I say to myself I will create a more minimalistic piece I always get carried away. I’ve been looking to create things that take a shorter amount of time. Which actually doesn’t make sense now since I have also begun exploring textile arts and in particular embroidery which also needs considerable time to complete each piece! Go figure!!!

  • design,  pattern design

    A year of creative exploration: Part 1 Exploring Pattern Design

    It’s been a good minute since I last created a blog post or even a newsletter. In the back of my mind there’s the niggling (and self-sabotaging) thought that no one really cares what I might have to say or show in the way of my artwork. But there might be that one person who, like me, enjoys reading about other artists’ processes and getting a glimpse of their daily life and how they work behind the scenes.

  • artwork

    Athena’s Owl, a commissioned artwork

    Athena’s Owl was a commissioned artwork for an Airbnb located in the centre of Athens. I was thrilled to receive this commission and amazed at the synchronicity of its subject matter as I had recently been sketching and exploring the idea of creating an artwork with an owl!

  • artwork

    A print fail and what I learnt and gained from it

    A while back I ordered a couple of prints of my Golden Pelican artwork but I have to say that for the first time ever I was pretty disappointed with the outcome. The colours were duller and darker than the original. Probably a combination of my photo editing (should have made sure that it was brighter) and the paper which absorbed the inks in a particular way.

  • artwork,  available artwork

    Golden Pelican mixed media on wood artwork

    I had been wanting to start painting more birds in my artwork, and my brother, George S Blonsky, who is an extremely talented professional wildlife photographer, and whose work I love, nudged me to paint one of the birds he’s most known for photographing in a place called Lake Kerkini in northern Greece, namely the Dalmatian Pelicans. I have also visited the Lake with him and fell in love with these magnificent creatures, amongst others!