Innovative Tile Designs for Your Space
The other day I was looking for some inspiration and ideas so I was browsing my Pinterest feed, as one does, and I stumbled upon this photo of a space spectacularly decorated with these colourful tiles. I searched for quite a while, almost giving up, before finally discovering the owner: Pallavi Sen, who is an interdisciplinary creative from Bombay. Looking at her “Tiles” stories highlights on her Instagram page I can see she designed and installed them herself (with a little help from her friends🤗). I love the playful and cheerful vibe this space exudes and such great inspiration to do something similar. When decorating my own spaces I have…
A year of creative exploration: Part 1 Exploring Pattern Design
It’s been a good minute since I last created a blog post or even a newsletter. In the back of my mind there’s the niggling (and self-sabotaging) thought that no one really cares what I might have to say or show in the way of my artwork. But there might be that one person who, like me, enjoys reading about other artists’ processes and getting a glimpse of their daily life and how they work behind the scenes.
Summer Cocktail and what inspired my return to relief artwork on wood
This bold, bright and colourful artwork marks a return to my creating mixed media relief artwork on wood. Following a break of about two years, during which I researched and explored other techniques and a variety of painting skills and media I was -quite unexpectedly- inspired by some ceramic sculptural plant pots.
My first pattern design samples on fabric from Spoonflower
I just received my first fabric samples from Spoonflower and I couldn’t be happier with the results and quality of printing!
I designed patterns inspired by letters of the Greek alphabet and cured my creative block
Happily I completed my personal project to design patterns based on the capital Greek letters!
My love of the Greek language
As a child I loved learning other languages. But whilst I was brought up bilingual I never actually had a single proper lesson or any kind of instruction in Greek whatsoever.
The 100 day project and a return to blogging.
This was going to be my first blog post of 2021. But my previous post took precedence because when I was introduced to Baya Mahedienne’s artwork I was too excited not to write about it immediately! 😊